(These little pumpkins I purchased @ a thrift store for .49 cents.)
I've had friends ask me, "how do you decorate on a budget?"
I thought I'd share with you a few tips I've learned along the way.
1. Shop sales and clearance items.
2. Shop garage sales.
3. If someone is giving something away for free...don't be afraid to say you'll take it off there hands.
4. Shop thrift and second hand stores.
5. Use what you have from around your home or yard.
6. Think outside of the box when it comes to using old things in new ways.
7. Keep a notebook or file of decorating ideas you like for your future use.
Here's how I've implemented some of these tips.
Below you'll find some more of my great garage sale finds,
along with a few more of my fall decorations.
The centerpiece is made using a $2.00 (brand new) candle holder, purchased from a garage sale last year together with fall colored sprigs (bought 1/2 price at an outlet store) prominently displayed on a .50 cent garage sale table runner.
I love this candle holder because you can dress it up for any season!

I used it as a centerpiece for this fall meal.

Here's an example of using what you have.
This old Red Wing crock was given to many years ago from my mother.
I've used it in the past for making pickles, but it was just sitting in my garage collecting dust.
I brought it in the house and added some faux flowers purchased on clearance last year for .10 cents a sprig.

Do you see what I'm trying to hide behind the crock?
These ugly cables and wires for our television and stereo system.

Isn't this much prettier than cables and cords?
I've been adding some antique items around the house
and I'll have great new place to display them soon.
( A little hint ... it's something my husband is building for me.)

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