
Monday, March 21, 2011


The Nester over at The Nesting Place is having a linking party entitled -

National {not really} Take A Risk Day.

One of the first post I did on this blog was entitled -

80 Year Old Cedar Chest Makeover

Below is a summary of the post,  to read the post in full go here. 

I had the wonderful privilege of inheriting my grandmother's 
80 year old cedar chest.  It came to me in very poor condition. 
There was a leg broken off, hinges disconnected, 
veneer chipped and missing and  part of the trim molding was missing.

  My husband thought it was beyond repair; and maybe the 
dump was the best place for it. 
I'm a very sentimental person and said "but it was grandma's!"

It sat in my husband's shop for quite some time, but then one day I was surprised and delighted to find my husband (who's very good at restoring and building furniture) busy working on the chest. 

 The veneer was in such bad shape we decided simply to remove it altogether.
We then sanded the cedar wood...

Here is the BIG RISK

 followed by 3 coats of Valspar black satin paint.

We did know how it would look painted.

Would the imperfections show?

We however were pleased with the end result.
 Here are a few photos of it sitting in my living room.

What do you think of the transformation?


  1. I love it! But even better, you were able to "save" an heirloom

  2. Your husband did a great job on the chest, looks so nice painted black. Also love the hotel you stayed at in your last post!


  3. We have an eyesore cedar chest that my husband's grandpa made. It's not ugly, it just doesn't fit in with our decor. I would love to take a risk and paint it! I just need to talk to hubby first. :)

  4. Looks great! I love the color you chose:)

  5. I'm glad you took this risk because not only did you end up with a wonderful piece, but you saved a family treasure. We too have a cedar chest that could use a coat of paint and this gives me the inspiration to try it out. Yay for risk taking!
