
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pottery Barn Look for Less

Today over at The CSI Project they're having a party to link up your Pottery Barn inspired projects. This inspired me to share with you a few of my projects, and how you can get the Pottery Barn look for less.

Here are just a few of my PB inspirations ..... and my version using items I purchased from garage sale, thrift stores and DIY projects.

My Version

My Version

(click on my version to see DIY instruction on how I made these pillows)

My Version
(Click on my version to read my post on the knock off Hanging Mason Jar)

My Version

My Version

My Version

My Version

My Version

Pottery Barn

My Version

It's simple to get a great look for less! Just watch garage sales and thrift store for items at a fraction the cost or make it yourself.

All Pottery Barn Photos are from their web site.

I'm linking this post to...



  1. You did great with your copies. I love them all. I especially love that rooster, they are such a favorite of mine. The lantern is fabulous too. Hugs, Marty

  2. Oo--you have some great knock-offs. My fave are the mason jars!! Thanks so much for the visit. :)

  3. You've got a job with Pottery Barn if you want -- I'll bet. Great post. Fun to see!


  4. I love all your creations and, yes you do have met the challenge very, very well. :)

    In our home we call my "work" Potterybarnesque because I love to try and recreate the look without the cost, although from time to time I do invest in PB.

  5. love it!! very inspiring! some great ideas for Christmas, my mum and sisters would love the nest cushion.

  6. I love this post! You have fabulous taste and really got a great look for less!
