
Saturday, March 3, 2012


Hi everyone!  I'm glad to be back after an extremely busy week.  Part of being a pastor's wife is to go with my husband on visits to the sick, shut-ins and widows.  We've been doing a lot of visiting lately.  When I finally had some free time to write some posts, my Internet server was down because of heavy snow and rain.

But that doesn't mean that my little old brain hasn't been thinking about projects!  Remember what I told you back in January: one of the projects I'd like to do this year is to makeover my dinning room/kitchen.  Well, in spite of being so busy, I've had a few minutes to gather a few things including paint chips

along with some fabric.

I'd really like a gray or blue-gray color for the walls.  Since gray can be a tricky color, I bought some sample paints and did a small test block.

One of the reasons I'm thinking of gray or blue-gray is that it goes so well with yellow.  Note the yellow tone in our kitchen cabinets.

 Here are a few inspirational photos I've pinned for the room.
The first is from Young House Love.

Love this white kitchen from Flea Market Trixie with just a touch of blue!

Of course there wont be any painting of cabinets since I live in a parsonage and don't own my home, but why not work with the color I have and use it as an accent color?  

Check back for the progress on the update of these rooms. Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh your colors and fabrics are lovely and I am sure the kitchen will be fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  2. I'll be following along while you do your kitchen/diningarea, love the fabric!

  3. I too am thinking of a gray for our dining room. Not sure though since the "experts" say a deeper richer color is best for a dining room. Right now it is a coral color.
