
Thursday, February 2, 2012

BLOGGING NEWS - for friends and followers GFC

Have you heard the latest news that Google Friend Connect will be stopping as of March 1st?  This is effective for non-blogger platforms like WordPress, but the talk is that it may be phased out completely :( ! 
It's been in the news that Google is phasing it out. They may be providing a service ~ Google +, but it might not be what the GFC was.

Don't get to discouraged .... this morning I found out that there is a new FREE service for us.  Many of you may be familiar with  Linky Tools operated by owner/creator (Brent Riggs). He realized that we'd be in need of a “follower” system. So he created a tool that launched this week.

One question that I asked was can my Google friends connect be moved over automatically?  The answer is - no.
I love all my friends and followers and would love to keep you up to date on my blog. I would hate to have you miss out. To make sure you will not miss anything you can start following me using the Linky Followers Widget on this page.  You can see it in the side bar under follow me.  If you are one of my loyal followers please sign up to follow me using the Linky Widget before March 1st.



  1. Thanks for the heads up, Joy. Things are always changing and I guess this is a good way to remain flexible... lol

  2. Pretty cool, isn't it? I'm so glad you're helping to spread the word too, Joy! :)

  3. I just followed you on the new linky...please follow back so we can all stay connected. Thanks, Lori

  4. We had the same post! I think Brent came up with a great idea, Joy~ GFC limited us to only 300 blogs to follow. I've been addding them in under a subscription to my Google Reader as an alternative. This is now my OTHER alternative! Thanks for following! Sue

  5. i have heard
    and i saw your profile
    on the DIY Show Off
    and decided to come and say hello

    nice to 'meet' you!


  6. Hi JOY, To me, the highest compliment for wanting to "follow" someone's blog is to add them to the blog list on my own blog, which I have done with your blog, because I want to share your site with others. Yes, I'm enJOYing your site over @, Your blogger friend, JOY
