
Thursday, May 5, 2011


I've been wanting to create an organization/message center for our home.  Having very limited space for this in our home, I chose the side of our kitchen cabinets.  

Here's a before photo - just a calendar hung here.

Pottery Barn has a customized organization system that enables you to create your own message/organization system. The only problem is their systems would cost $44 (on sale) for each piece I wanted.  I set out to make an area myself using my DIY skills. I started looking for used items that would work in the area.  You can imagine how excited I was to find a whiteboard calendar for .99 cents, a pin board for $1.99 and cork board for .49 cents.  Although they did need a little sprucing up. Here they are with their imperfections.

As you can see by the photo, the whiteboard needed a good cleaning.

The pin board needed some touch ups that were easily fixed with a sharpie pen and stapler.

Here's my new daily organization station.

(The location of my organization station makes it difficult to get a nice photo shot.)

The white board on the top was purchased at Micheal's using a gift card and 40% off coupon making it $5.00.  I'll be exchanging it because I found a dented area on the top left.

Here are the other pieces all cleaned up.

I added some extra tacks and magnets from my office. I also added "notes" using some left over lettering from our daughters wedding.

My version for $9 compared to $142 at Pottery Barn.

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