
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

DIY Pillar Candles

I'm always excited to receive my Pottery Barn magazine in the mail.

As I was paging through the magazine, I became very excited when I spotted these candles...

I've made a lot of candles for gifts and knew using this technique would work great to make some new candles.

All you need is two pillar candles...which I had left from our daughter's wedding.
Vellum scrapbook paper (this is a clear translucent paper).
Wax paper
Embossing heat gun

Start by making a copy of the sheet music you want to use.
I use antique sheet music from The Graphics Fairy and print it onto the vellum paper.
Cutting the paper to fit the candle.

You can hold it in place with a few small pins or wrap a piece of wax paper completely over the vellum paper.

Now take your embossing heat gun, and apply heat evenly over entire surface until the wax melts and coats the vellum paper.

Remove the pins or wax paper, and allow the candle to dry.

An alternate way to do this if you don't have a embossing heat gun is to wrap the candle with the vellum and adhere the back together with tape.

Making these candles inspires me to put out my Christmas decorations.
I usually start putting them out the day after Thanksgiving.

I've got a head start this year!

I'm linking this post to...

The DIY Show Off


  1. Love the candles. Love the simplicity of the look and the project.

  2. Oooooooooh I can see these all glittered up too!

  3. This is such a great project, Joy! You've given me inspiration for a future project!! Thanks for linking up at WhisperWood Cottage. Your feature post is up. Please grab a feature button for your sidebar if you like! :)


  4. What a great yet simple and inexpensive idea for a centerpiece. I am so going to try this one. For now, allow me to share this to my Christmas table decorations Pinterest board. Happy Holidays!
