
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another Makeover

Yes, you're at the correct blog!
We all do makeovers in our homes because we need a little change.
That being said, I thought it was time for a little blog change so...
Thrifty Parsonage Living
has a new look!
What do you think of the change?


  1. love it! I love the pics in your title. I have an old blue jar like your clear one, I was just going to put shells in it, but I like your sand and candle, might have to try that instead!

  2. I like it very much! Calming colors and soft pictures from around your pretty home!

  3. Your blog looks wonderful! I love it. Joy, I thought that I was already following you, but I wasn't. I was looking at your blog and I realized that I hadn't seen some of these items, discovered that I wasn't following! Glad I am now!

  4. Well I didn't see it before but it sure looks great now! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment!


  5. Two thumbs up from me! I love changing my blog from time to time.
